El jueves 24 de noviembre a la 1:30 p.m. tendremos nuestro octavo Seminario de Economía Regional, Urbana y de Políticas Públicas del 2022 con la presentación del documento "Natural Resource Windfalls: Effects in Non-producing Areas" a cargo de Alejandro Ome (NORC at the University of Chicago).


We study the impact of natural resource royalties on educational outcomes in Colombia. We analyze a reform enacted in 2012 that made the distribution of these royalties more equitable. Before the reform, most royalties were assigned to the regions where the natural resources were exploited; with the reform non-producing regions started to receive royalties. We estimate the impact of the reform on regions that most benefited from it, using the international price of oil as an instrument in a difference-in-differences framework. We found positive impacts on enrollment in primary, secondary, and high schools, but no conclusive evidence on academic achievement at any of these levels.

Tiempo de exposición:  1 hora
Idioma de la exposición: Español

Autores: Alejandro Ome, Gerson Javier Pérez-Valbuena

Alejandro Ome

Seminario virtual, organizado por Cartagena

Fecha y hora:
Jueves, 24 de Noviembre 2022 - 1:30 pm
Acceso al Documento: