El jueves 21 de julio a la 1:30 p.m. tendremos nuestro sexto Seminario de Economía Regional, Urbana y de Políticas Públicas del 2022 con la presentación del documento "Optimum fiscal equalization and welfare in Chile" a cargo de Dusan Paredes, Profesor Titular de la Universidad Católica del Norte en Chile.
We optimize the horizontal fiscal equalization of Chile and compute its welfare gain. We find that Chile would improve the national welfare in a range of 3%12% by increasing the number of properties that pay taxes. Furthermore, the optimal design will also reduce the municipal disparity of population by 7% and inequality in productivity by 6%. Our results provide insights for promoting spatial equity without fearing consequences on aggregated efficiency.
Dusan Paredes, Sebastián Cuellar, Alicia Chavez
Seminario virtual, organizado por Cartagena