A través del CAIE, acceda al índice que permite comparar el bienestar en distintos países basándose en temas que la OCDE ha identificado como esenciales para las condiciones de vida materiales y la calidad de vida.
Full access to the text of the e-books of the economics and finance collections (2016-2017).
Acceda al texto completo de los líbros electrónicos de las colecciones de economía y finanzas (2016-2017).
Through the CAIE, see the full content of the Economic Handbooks Collections (2012).
A través del CAIE, consulte el contenido completo de la coleccion (2012) de Handbooks de Economía.
Author and institution firms are part of the good practices of academic communication, and although there is no official way in which the information of the author and his institutional affiliation should be included in contributions to scientific journals (sometimes this depends Of the journal), it is advisable to have a series of recommendations that guide the...