
Mostrando 1 - 5 de 34
Gómez-González, J. E., Melo-Velandia, L. F., Gomez-Malagon, S., Ordoñez-Callamand, D., (2019) . A rank approach for studying cross-currency bases and the covered interest rate parity. EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS (pp. 1-13)
Cubillos-Rocha, J. S., Gómez-González, J. E., Melo-Velandia, L. F., (2019) . Detecting exchange rate contagion using copula functions. NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE 47 (pp. 13-22)
Gamba-Santamaría, S., Gómez-González, J. E., Hurtado-Guarín, J. L., Melo-Velandia, L. F., (2019) . Volatility spillovers among global stock markets: measuring total and directional effects. EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS 56 (5) (pp. 1581-1599)
Gómez-González, J. E., Gamboa-Arbeláez, J., Hirs-Garzón, J., Pinchao-Rosero, A., (2018) . When Bubble Meets Bubble: Contagion in OECD Countries. JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS 56 (4) (pp. 546-566)
Gómez-González, J. E., Sanín-Restrepo, S., (2018) . The Maple Bubble: A History of Migration among Canadian Provinces. JOURNAL OF HOUSING ECONOMICS 41 (pp. 57-71)

Documentos de Trabajo

Mostrando 56 - 59 de 59
Gómez-González, J. E., Orozco-Hinojosa, I. P., Zamudio-Gómez, N. E., (2006) . Analysis of Conditional Probability of Default by the Major Private Debtors in the Colombian Financial System. Temas de Estabilidad Financiera (19)
Gómez-González, J. E., Kiefer, N. M., (2006) . Explaining time to bank failure in Colombia during the financial crisis of the late 1990s. Borradores de Economia (400)
Gómez-González, J. E., Grosz, F., (2006) . Evidence of Bank Lending Channel for Argentina and Colombia. Borradores de Economia (396)
Gómez-González, J. E., (1999) . Especificación de la demanda por dinero con innovación financiera. Borradores de Economia (128)