
Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
Granda, C., García-Callejas-, D., (2023) . Informality, tax policy and the business cycle: exploring the links. INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE 30 (1) (pp. 114- 166)
Granda, C., Hamann-Salcedo, F. A., (2020) . On the aggregate implications of removing barriers to formality. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST LOUIS REVIEW 102 (2) (pp. 203-220)
Granda, C., Hamann-Salcedo, F. A., Tamayo, C. E., (2019) . Credit and saving constraints in general equilibrium: A quantitative exploration. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 140 (pp. 302-319)
Granda, C., (2015) . Informality and macroeconomic volatility: do credit constraints matter?. Journal of Economic Studies 42 (6) (pp. 1095-1111)
Granda, C., (2012) . Macroeconomic Implications of the Underground Sector: Challenging the Double Business Cycle Approach. Economic Analysis and Policy 42 (2) (pp. 237-256)

Documentos de Trabajo

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
Granda, C., Hamann-Salcedo, F. A., Tamayo, C. E., (2017) . Credit and saving constraints in general equilibrium : evidence from survey data. Borradores de Economia (1002)
Granda, C., Hamann-Salcedo, F. A., (2015) . Informality, Saving and Wealth Inequality. Borradores de Economia (873)