Borradores de Economía - Macroeconomic Effects of Healthcare Financing in Colombia

Classification JEL: 
E10, E62, E26, F41
General Equilibrium; Heterogeneous Agents; Taxes; Government Expenditure

The most recent

Luis E. Arango, Luz Adriana Flórez, N. Johana Marín, Carlos Esteban Posada
Bulent Guler, Yasin Kursat Onder, Mauricio Villamizar-Villegas, Jose Villegas


Healthcare expenditure in Colombia is expected to increase by 35% over the next eight years, due to population aging, rising costs, and domestic policies. These trends, in a context of high levels of informality and affiliation to the subsidized regime, add significant pressure to public finances. Using a dynamic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous households, we analyze the macroeconomic impact of financing a higher public healthcare expenditure through different taxes. The funding sources play a significant role in shaping the aggregate dynamics and income inequality. While consumption taxes are the best option in terms of output, financing with taxes on high-skilled labor improves income distribution.