Working Papers on Economics - Measuring the Unmeasurable: Unraveling the complexities of real-time output gap estimation

Karen L. Pulido-Mahechaa,
Sergio Restrepo Ángela,
Franky Juliano Galeano-Ramíreza
Classification JEL: 
E2, E3, E6
output gaps, real-time estimation, Business cycles

The most recent

Andrea Sofía Otero-Cortés, Karina Acosta, Luis E. Arango, Danilo Aristizábal, Oscar Iván Ávila-Montealegre, Oscar Becerra, Cristina Fernández, Luz Adriana Flórez, Luis Armando Galvis-Aponte, Anderson Grajales, Catalina Granda, Franz Alonso Hamann-Salcedo, Juliana Jaramillo-Echeverri, Carlos Medina, Jesús Enrique Morales-Piñero, Alejandra Morales, Leonardo Fabio Morales, Juan José Ospina-Tejeiro, Christian Manuel Posso-Suárez, José Pulido, Mario Andrés Ramos-Veloza, Alejandro Sarasti-Sierra
Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez, Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra, María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo, Jorge Leonardo Rodríguez-Arenas


This paper evaluates seven output gap models for real-time estimates, based on three criteria: stability of estimations on new observations, data revisions and/or methodological changes; inflation forecasting accuracy; and potential output response to structural economic shocks. Results confirm no single model outperforms across all criteria. Structural VARs exhibit superior inflation forecasts but show high instability, while semi-structural models produce more theoretically consistent potential output responses. To overcome this trade-off, we propose a novel clustering approach to pool models based on their real-time performance, yielding improved estimates. Our findings highlight the value of this method for enhancing real-time output gap measurement and informing monetary policy decisions.