Stock market volatility spillovers : evidence for Latin America

Clasificación JEL: 
G01, G15, C32
Palabras clave: 
Volatility Spillovers, DCC-GARCH Model, Stock Market Linkages, Financial Crisis

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Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra, Diego Vásquez-Escobar, María Isabel Alarcón-Obando, Giselle Tatiana Silva-Samudio
Karina Acosta, Juliana Jaramillo-Echeverri, Daniel Lasso Jaramillo, Alejandro Sarasti-Sierra
Juan José Ospina-Tejeiro, Jorge Enrique Ramos-Forero, David Camilo López-Valenzuela, Yurany Hernández-Turca, Nicolle Valentina Herrera-Pinto

We extend the framework of Diebold and Yilmaz [2009] and Diebold and Yilmaz [2012] and construct volatility spillover indexes using a DCC-GARCH framework to model the multivariate relationships of volatility among assets. We compute spillover indexes dire