
Mostrando 26 - 30 de 34
Gómez-González, J. E., León, C., Karen-Juliet, G., (2012) . Does the Use of Foreign Currency Derivatives Affect Firms' Market Value? Evidence from Colombia. EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE 48 (4) (pp. 50-66)
Gómez-González, J. E., García-Suaza, A. F., (2012) . A Simple Test of Momentum in Foreign Exchange Markets. EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE 48 (5) (pp. 66-77)
Gómez-González, J. E., Ruth-Reyes, N., (2011) . The number of banking relationships and the business cycle: New evidence from Colombia. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 35 (3) (pp. 408-418)
Gómez-González, J. E., Ruth-Reyes, N., (2011) . Firm Failure and Relation Lending: New Evidence from Small Businesses. Money Affairs (2) (pp. 123-141)
García-Suaza, A. F., Gómez-González, J. E., (2010) . The competing risks of acquiring and being acquired: Evidence from Colombia's financial sector. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 34 (4) (pp. 437-449)

Documentos de Trabajo

Mostrando 51 - 55 de 59
Gómez-González, J. E., Morales-Acevedo, P., Pineda, F., Zamudio-Gómez, N. E., (2007) . An Alternative Methodology for Estimating Credit Quality Transition Matrices. Borradores de Economia (478)
Gómez-González, J. E., Morales-Acevedo, A. P., Pineda, F., Zamudio-Gómez, N. E., (2007) . Estimación de matrices de transición de la calidad de cartera comercial de las entidades financieras colombianas. Temas de Estabilidad Financiera (26)
Gómez-González, J. E., Zamudio-Gómez, N. E., Pineda, F., Morales-Acevedo, P., (2007) . Estimating Credit Quality Transition Matrices for the Commercial Loan Portfolio in the Colombian Financial System. Temas de Estabilidad Financiera (26)
Gómez-González, J. E., Kiefer, N. M., (2007) . Evidence of non-Markovian behavior in the process of bank rating migrations. Borradores de Economia (448)
Gómez-González, J. E., Orozco-Hinojosa, I. P., Zamudio-Gómez, N. E., (2006) . Análisis de la probabilidad condicional de incumplimiento de los mayores deudores privados. Temas de Estabilidad Financiera (19)