Clasificación JEL:
F31, F32, F41, E44
Palabras clave:
Reservas internacionales
Lo más reciente
Borradores de Economía - Riesgos de Transición Climática y Crédito Bancario: Evidencia para Colombia
Camilo Bohorquez-Penuela, Joëlle Noailly, Naël Shehadeh
Margarita María Gáfaro-González, Daniel Mantilla
Juan Sebastián Vélez-Velásquez, Wesley Blundell
The set of objectives in reserves management are normally predifined and include: Protecting the economy against potential external shocks on the current account or on capital flows; invest the reserves minimizing the potential of a loss and ensuring the availability of international liquidity when necessary. Whereas the adoption of a floating exchange rate in theory reduces the need for reserves to protect against external shocks, in the context of free capital movements it will be a function of the efficiency of international markets.